Bigger picture
You know, in the bigger picture, perhaps all that has happened is for the better. For one, I knew the true colours of my webhost, and can proceed to never ever recommending them to anyone ever again. Secondly, I'd been toying with starting over, location-wise for a long time already; and while my brain dilly-dallied over the pros and cons, fate (and technical faults) helped press the fast-forward button. Jikon once told me not to put all website related matters in one hosting basket. Perhaps now is a good time to put his words to practice.
And thirdly, perhaps moving away from my given name as a URL might be not so bad after all. It's not people knowing me I'm worried about. It's people who know my dad; and the people who will relate me and who I am, within the context of my dad. And as much as I would like to think I am my own person, his shadow is one I still struggle to crawl out of.
Blogger seemed to be the natural reverting point, as it was where I began. Plus if (and when) I get back to hosting things on a server again, blogger imports into Movable Type easily. Blogger does its job, I suppose, if blogging was all I wanted to do; but me being me, I'd like a little more control over matters and MT allows this to a certain extent. Plus I've got plans to develop something I've been toying with, and as much as I may keep this blog on blogger, my side-project will definitely employ MT. But more about that later.
And so the quest for a domain name begins. See poll on sidebar.Choose. Dead easy, eh?
And thirdly, perhaps moving away from my given name as a URL might be not so bad after all. It's not people knowing me I'm worried about. It's people who know my dad; and the people who will relate me and who I am, within the context of my dad. And as much as I would like to think I am my own person, his shadow is one I still struggle to crawl out of.
Blogger seemed to be the natural reverting point, as it was where I began. Plus if (and when) I get back to hosting things on a server again, blogger imports into Movable Type easily. Blogger does its job, I suppose, if blogging was all I wanted to do; but me being me, I'd like a little more control over matters and MT allows this to a certain extent. Plus I've got plans to develop something I've been toying with, and as much as I may keep this blog on blogger, my side-project will definitely employ MT. But more about that later.
And so the quest for a domain name begins. See poll on sidebar.Choose. Dead easy, eh?
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